Tuesday 5 February 2008

A father's 40-year campaign in U.K

Over the past decades all the official criminal wrongs done to my young family in U.K I have made public from the start, in COPS Gazette, as a parliamentary candidate and on the Internet, so it is ok to repeat publicly what I write.

Synopsis of a father’s 40-year campaign
Fit for a film, TV serial

The piece below says it all, the chaff therein is inadvertent, chafing bits are deliberate which are meant to force the issue. The powers that be are empire-hardened and use the police as their private militia. To their joint dismay miracles have saved me so far from their judicial and police traps.

As am in the last lap of my life a much stronger language than that which took London’s Mayor Ken to courts will be used. (My classified ads in Private Eye quite some years ago began with the words, “Nazi-like Jewish/Christian MPs, …” and ended with my name and address. The new honcho at the Eye snubs my ads; regime changed.)

Millions of my Indian kith and kin in both world wars put their lives on the line for this country and sent it victorious, self ditto for Israel, was it for the victors to behave like criminals?

All but forty years ago the British officialdom decided I was an awkward immigrant, a nobody and an Indian pagan to boot. Three if not four pillars of the establishment armed with all the expertise gleaned in the erstwhile empire of how to be shot of uppity natives then set about putting me in my place, days of guns is, well, not over.

As past masters of the divide and rule dictum they had a perfect foil in me even though I had a thing in common with their leader of the pack, Nathan Miller: we were both immigrants albeit he was from South Africa, begotten of the master race and trained as a lawyer under the apartheid regime. There was one more thing we had in common but it snapped with a bang and I became Ex-zionist when I found out he was Jewish, such was his nazi bent.

I will try to write as I usually speak, in courtly language and dulcet of tone. My native instinct tells me it is safer to be shouting from the roof-tops. That is why I keep contesting parliamentary elections when money permits and write pamphlets that name names.

Some letters of mine couched in semi-humorous vein have appeared in the Times (London) and other national papers but they refuse to publish how my young family was torn apart on spurious grounds.

Then there is the small matter of my being hounded about by the servants of the state till I became a pensioner recently. Now I get court summons only: at present a case against me is being repeatedly adjourned as the police fail to turn up at the Stevenage Magistrates court.

We will mention miracles below but lets make a detour to India and highlight some of our gifts to the human family: Yoga and meditation will set us free from our own yoke; Indian veggie cuisine that pleases and nourishes; ditto KamaSutra; the decimal system and the power of zero; fast forward to Vedic Maths which adds lustre to the digits. I share my knowledge of the first and the last named in this list gratis with all who are interested.

One would think that along with the sacrifices of my kith and kin with valour second to none in world war after world war (both my elder brothers served in the last war), not to mention the resources from the colonies worth billions off-loaded around the white cliffs of UK, one would think official Britain would have zero racism but no, racism rules ok. Lets put some nuance to my nuisance.

I was married to an Englishwoman* (see next para), the mother of our baby daughter. According to Nathan Miller’s Torah I had thereby sinned, nay, committed a crime. It was after about two years of Millers’ affidavits, injunctions, threats of more legal actions that I got to know of his antecedents.

[*My wife, a graduate and a school teacher, was terrified of authorities, she had seen her mother taken away by the British police never to see her again, was put in a children’s home and then adopted. When the police started coming to take me she used to be petrified. Eventually she fell in with the lies of Millers & Co and I was denied access to our daughter.]

My ‘real crime’ was that I had stood for election to parliament to proclaim that I had been convicted on trumped-up charges at Bow Street court of assaulting police Sgt Hole outside the House of Commons. MPs like Ivor Clemitson, Jack Straw, Marion Roe, Michael Howard QC, Martin Bell, Peter Lilley, police chiefs of Beds, Herts, Hants et al merrily go on aiding & abetting crime and cover-up.

If we cannot use the parliamentary method, sired by Due Process out of Proper Channels, to highlight a gross miscarriage of justice then where and what do the Bigwigs suggest we do? Join one of the terrorist outfits? Even the great warrior Blair is ever ready to open the No. 10 door to welcome bombers and gunmen provided they are ‘one of us’ in skin colour and / or of Abrahamic lineage. Sorry a bit, Tony Blair / Gordon Brown, I no can do gunning or bombing, no know Abraham from Adam.

After a total of nearly six years of shenanigans in the courts by Miller & Co, F Phillimore and later by Wms & Co and Ms C Miskin the imperial dictum had borne fruit: I was sans wife and daughter, our house usurped, my money and liberty regularly looted and trampled on by the powers-that-are the courts, the police and the bailiffs. What a dish of western ghoulash to set before the Afghani, Iraqi & Co.

Yes, I have contested a few more parliamentary elections and never been had up for anything but more trumped-up charges and being officially hand-cuffed, beaten-up. The authorities are right to be aggrieved at my going-on after nearly forty years of persecution. More than once I stopped my campaign but the system is not for the non-one-of-us.

To survive I needed some miracles to escape the traps the judicial system springs on me. Thanks to the cosmos coming to my aid in the shape of a god in human form or by some other means, so with one leap I would go free.

There is a limit to what the best judicial system in the world can do to pervert the course of justice, no? Yea, there was another putrid miscarriage of justice against me yesteryear in high court, in Jan 2006.

Judge John Privet QC, barrister Jane Phillips, solicitors Thakrar & Co, all representing ISKCON, perverted the course of justice just like the U.S did against Jack Johnson, the first black heavyweight world champion.

Correct, I do not spare Indian rabid bullies either, ISKCONers did Herr Goebbels deceased proud. 'Krishnapriya Das', the principal defence witness took oath on the Bhagwad Gita and committed perjury. He gave false name and address in his sworn Witness Statement and in the court and when challenged by me refused to reveal his Id.

The judge was thrown off his orbit but after whirring around in his chair he upheld the liar. So much for the Court Rule 32.14.

The other ISKCON perjurer who gave evidence under oath was Vipin Aery aka Bimal Krishna Das. I told him he committed perjury repeatedly while under oath to the Gita. M/s Sriman Pandit aka Sandeep Kumar Shah and Pradyumma Dasa (who he?) failed to turn-up although they too had submitted Goebbelsque Witness Statements.

Contrast all this with the very recent case of the head of the oily giant BP: in his statement he had given the wrong location where he first met his boyfriend. He was pulled up by the court, dusted down and the poor fellow was obliged to vacate his power-seat.

In the next piece I will again work-in the bit on how I won the Six-day war for Israel when almost all the Jewish and other visitors had fled back to the safety of Europe, U.S, Canada, Argentine etc and I paid, oh dear, dearly for it a few years later in the U.K.

I hold the world record for most appearances in courts, some 200 give or take a baker’s dozen, almost all on trumped-up charges and losing every one of them, even the few times when I instigated the proceedings. This breaks all the laws of averages, chance, Sod’s and Murphy’s, toss of the coin, probability, game theory, relativity, (relativity?), all combined.

So with all the ups and downs we the elders have brought you, the next-Gen, to the new century, it is in your hands to keep the wonder and ecstasy of love and shining humanity alive and robust till, till the last bugle call after which the cosmic dance-drama will start again.

Please note: All these years I have been seeking redress of horrid official wrongs in the U.K. At first it was to have father's access to my child and now that the child is a young lady living somewhere in the U.K, to assuage her wounded heart by somehow letting her know that I did not abandon her, the officialdom named above had decreed so.

Any help in forcing the official child-snatchers either to clear their name in court or redress the gross miscarriage of justice would be welcome with thanks, is my cri de coeur.



Jiten Bardwaj, Yoga & Meditation prospective parliamentary candidate; editor COPS Gazette – just an arresting name. Jan 2008.